Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Parasite Eve 2

Ask Squaresoft to make a horror game, and Parasite Eve is what you get.  It was a slowly paced methodical RPG based off a japanese horror novel, which rather than focusing on jump scares and claustrophobic environments, portrayed a scenario of a besieged major american city slowly succumbing to a biological menace over a period of several days.  The end result was that much of the horror of Parasite Eve was psychological.  As the game continued and the player thought more and more about the implications and the sometimes seemingly hopeless efforts of the protagonists to defeat the game's antagonist, Eve.

Parasite Eve 2, is what you get when you ask Squaresoft to make a Resident Evil game.  The gameplay of the first game is altered significantly in favor of a more standard survival-horror formula.  The 3D controls of the first game are gone, replaced with RE-style tank controls, item chests, and the trademark nonsensical puzzles Resident Evil is famous for are present and accounted for.  They also completely changed the inventory system.  Which I hate.  Hate.  Hate hate hate.  I hate this game's inventory system.  You'll see what I mean.

Don't take any of this to mean that PE2 is a bad game.  Nothing could be further from the truth, the game sold quite well, and for good reason.  It just has a really shitty inventory system.

Finally, I would like to make it clear that I love this game, even though I pretty much completely destroyed any dramatic impact the intro had here.

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