Testing RE4, Brightness problems with Deus Ex
-Picture is actually brighter, but most recording software won't see OpenGL shader effects.
--FRAPS will work, but FRAPS eats HD space like crazy
--Will have to either upgrade Hard Disk or get a new PC
--Trying to rip out hard disk from old PC gathering dust in the meantime to see if it still works
---It's really dusty in here as a result *cough*
-Next Playthrough is Mega Man X
--Being uploaded immediately after the Audiolog
Throat got burned, spent time working on the website
-Joined the Internet Defense League
--Formed to spread awareness and oppose draconian legislation such as CFAA and CISPA
--Check SFVersus or the IDF site for the Cat Signal call to action
-Playlist page filled out and individual pages made for each playlist
--Boxart menu not done yet, working on it
-Regular and Playthrough Postmortem Reviews posted and to continue
--A bunch are already up
-Project Wonderful ADs to go on the site eventually
--Gonna make sure they aren't offensive ads
Also watched the following while recovering, chilling
-Tek Syndicate:
--YouTube channel (
--Website focusing on computer hardware/games and related stuff
--The Tek, news show about science, technology, gaming, and politics
--Inbox, tech advice and feedback on viewer mail. Reminiscent of Call For Help on Tech TV
--Gaming channel BeerGamesBeer:
-The Young Turks:
--Don't agree 100%, feels like they oversimplify issues like gun control
--Fascinating nonetheless, and lots of good points
--Engaging commentary on the monetization of modern politics
---Organization trying to get the money out of politics
---2012 Election trail was a ridiculous clusterfuck of special interests
Thinking of doing a Minecraft show
-Repeatedly suggested by REPowerplay
-Waiting on some mods to be updated
Rise Of The Redshirt
-To Continue after Legacy Of Romulus goes live
--Waiting for LOR assets and changes to go live before preproduction.
-Fleet Ops has its own page
-Probably some STO stuff coming before ROTRS season 3
Other stuff going on
Mveculous streaming whatever:
--REPowerplay streaming Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4
-InputEnd, Andrew from Temporal Directive livestreaming:
--Streams Star Trek Online
-Luccapaly doing LPs again on his YouTube channel:
Thanks for the mention ! Really appreciated ^_^